Table of Contents
Jews of Greece in Washington, DC by Dr. Elias Messinas, Jerusalem  
Greek Jews in search of origins by Marcia Haddad-Ikonomopoulos, New York 
Greek Jewry taught in Athens by Dr. Rena Molho, Thessaloniki
Jewish monument at Demotica by Dr. Elias Messinas, Jerusalem
Residual Gold for Greek Jews
by Marilyn Henry, New York
European Day of Jewish Culture
by Ruth Hellen Gruber, Morre
European Day in the Balkans
Preview of film on Romaniotes
New book on Greek Jewry
Jewish Museum in Ioannina
Jewish Children Exhibition
Sephardic Center in New York
Sephardic Center in Jerusalem

Become a partner in the preservation of the Jewish monuments of Greece

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Editorial by Elias V. Messinas 
Welcome to the new issue of Kol haKEHILA! Kol haKEHILA is entering its third year of publication, with a dynamic presence on the internet, and a series of events on the Greek Jewish heritage. Kol haKEHILA online is visited by over 2,000 people every month, from more than 20 countries. It has expanded to include Jewish sites, genealogy, books, exhibitions, a bulletin board, and more! Kol haKEHILA online is used as a news source by international news agencies. The Associated Press considers it to be the "best site on the web on Greek Jewry"! Kol haKEHILA has assisted this year numerous travelers traveling to Greece who inquired about Jewish sites, Kosher food, and more. It has been a busy year for Kol haKEHILA. We co-organized a series of events on Greek Jewish heritage: the event bestowing on the Greek President Stephanopoulos an honorary doctorate degree by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; two get-together events, at Moshav Tzur Moshe and the Greek Community Center of Jerusalem; and a Greek Cultural Evening at Rockville, MD. I have the privilege of currently coordinating the publication of the first modern Hebrew - Greek - Hebrew dictionary. Kol haKEHILA needs your support to respond to the increasing maintenance and mailing costs of the newsletter! Don’t let the voice be silenced! In this issue I describe briefly the Greek Cultural Evening at Rockville, MD and the proposed memorial at Didimoticho; Marcia Haddad-Ikonomopoulos reports on the tour in search of Romaniote origins, Rena Molho discusses the History of Greek Jewry taught in Athens; Marilyn Henry reports on the international fund for Nazi victims, and Ruth Hellen Gruber on the European Day for Jewish Culture celebrated on September 3rd. News on exhibitions, museums and films on Greek Jewry. And more! I thank our readers who helped with this issue, and especially Prof. Carol Krinsky, Gail Shirazi, Marilyn Henry, Marcia Haddad- Ikonomopoulos, Rena Molho, Ruth Hellen Gruber, Miriana Iordanova, Prof. Minna Rozen, and Dolly Asser. A warm welcome to our new subscribers! Kol haKEHILA wishes our Jewish readers a New Year 5761 filled with Happiness, Health, and Fulfillment! Shana Tova!

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